Introduction to Goblets - 4-Week Special Topic Workshop

Introduction to Goblets - 4-Week Special Topic Workshop
Four-week special topic workshop focused on the fundamentals of goblet making.
Classes have a maximum of 6 students and a minimum of 4 students
Wednesdays, February 19 - March 12, 6:00pm - 9:30pm each day, with Hoseok Youn
* Requirements: Glass 2 or equivalent
Introduction to Goblets is a four-week special topic workshop with Hoseok Youn happening on Wednesday evenings, Feb 19 - March 12 from 6pm - 9:30pm each night.
Glass goblets are delicate and intricate forms that demand practice and precision. Studying the fundamentals of goblet-making inherently strengthens general glassblowing skills by pushing bigger picture concepts such as timing, teamwork, communication, having a clear plan, and learning from failure.
Introduction to Goblets will teach traditional Venetian goblet-making techniques and lay a strong foundation in the goblet basics. Working exclusively with clear glass, course content will emphasize form and proper technique without the added variable of color. Techniques covered will include working the glass thinner, adding avolios, pulling the cup, and serving blown feet. There will be a strong emphasis on timing and utilizing the initial heat from the furnace (i.e. reheating as little as possible, and not using a torch.)
Working in small groups, you will also gain the skills of being an effective goblet assistant by learning how to bring components out of the garage, serve bits, and handle and load work using the goblet forks and shovel.
* Glass 2 or equivalent required.
In conjunction with this specialty workshop, instructor Hoseok Youn will also do the following public events:
- A free artist talk on Thursday, March 6 from 6 pm to 7 pm at the Belger Crane Yard Gallery (2011 Tracy Ave., KCMO)
- A free glassblowing demonstration on First Friday, March 7, from 6 pm to 8pm at the Belger Glass Annex (1219 E. 19th St., KCMO)