Studio Rental

Our Studio is accessible seven days a week to current Renters within the hours:  
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-9pm
Friday: 8:30am-5pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am-4pm

Access Pass

*individual must have basic clay/ceramic knowledge and be able to work independently: must have taken minimum two Belger 4-week classes (24 hours with an instructor) or have equivalent experience.

This level of rental is designed to be flexible-months paid for do not have to be consecutive (renters pay as they go).

This level of rental is $55/month and includes:

  • Use to the studio equipment (see Facilities page)

  • Free bisque firings (glaze firings are an extra fee, see Kiln Firings page)

  • Use of shop glazes

  • Shared shelf to keep in-process work (tools & clay must be transported) *space on shelf is not guaranteed, renters must plan to transport their wares.

Fill out the form below, and you will be contacted by staff:

RETURNING Access Pass Renters monthly fee:

You may pay/start any day of the month, but please note that rent paid on a day after the 1st will not be prorated.

Personal Shelf

*individual must have basic clay/ceramic knowledge and be able to work independently

This level of rental is $100/month and includes:

  • Use of studio equipment (see Facilities page)

  • Free bisque firings (glaze firings are an extra fee, see Kiln Firings page)

  • Use of shop glazes

  • 2 ft by 6 ft shelf (in a shared unit) for personal storage

This level of rental is currently at capacity.
Sign up to be added to the Wait List:

Semi-Private Studio

*individual must have significant clay/ceramic knowledge and be able to work independently

This level of rental is $200/month and includes:

  • Use of studio equipment (see Facilities page)

  • Free bisque firings (glaze firings are an extra fee, see Kiln Firings page)

  • Use of shop glazes

  • 2 shelving units and one work table in a personal, semi-private zone

  • 24/hr studio access

This Level of rental is currently at capacity.
Sign up to be added to the Wait List: