Kevin Miller


Kevin Miller graduated from Emporia State University with his BFA in Glass and Sculpture in 2012. Now he is remotely attending West Texas A&M where he is currently finishing  his MFA in Glass.  He is inspired by the inner workings of the world around him.  Rarely does he take things for face value but instead looks deeper for some connection and meaning in his own life.  He makes art because that is what drives him; he also enjoys the camaraderie and sharing amongst artists.  Kevin has traveled extensively and witnessed other cultures and observed their communication techniques through glass.  His travels have brought him back to Kansas City where he works at Monarch Glass Studio.

Artist Statement

Art is part of my nature; it is what drives me, what makes me who I am, how I communicate, and how I see. We know more, as a society, from the numerous artifacts left behind by our ancestors than we do from the written or spoken word. Artists historically have been the keepers of history and I take my role as a recorder very seriously.  I create art to express, explore and question the world around me and to render my own commentary on my place in the world.  My chosen mediums are directly related to my desire to leave a lasting impression through my work. Glass and metal are extremely durable yet there is fragility inherent with both materials.  Glass can break and ferrous metals can rust away. There are many preconceived ideas surrounding glass and metal as legitimate artistic materials. Those materials are ubiquitous we encounter them constantly and yet some never view them as worthy artistic rudiments.  My intention is to bring these common ingredients out of the craft/industrial realm and by manipulating and forcing them together hopefully encourage a fresh artistic dialogue.

My subjects and ideas are as varied as the world around us, some may be considered political or racy but shock value is not the only way to create an open dialogue about our world with art. The intersection and overlap of nature and technology heavily influence the direction of my work. This paired with my unique sense of humor and worldview manifests itself in somewhat obscure images/objects that the viewer might question at first glance. I work through ideas using tangible means like drawing and drafting models, this process allows me to visualize and work through problems before developing a final product. I am not afraid to attempt something new even if it means I might fail, I learn a lot from my mistakes. I am willing to trust that the art will make its own statement, which is the statement of the artist, which is a direct reflection of the world.
