Heidi Schultz


Heidi Schultz has been working in clay for 20 years having gotten a BFA from Northwest Missouri State University in 2004 and an MFA from Kent State University in 2007. Heidi has taught art at the college level for eleven years and maintains a studio in the West Bottoms of KCMO. Her work explores Buddhism through a personal lens.

Artist Statement

My ceramic art is directly influenced by my study of Buddhist philosophies. The teachings of the Dharma and the visual culture of this religion greatly shape the way I think and how I approach my art. At the core, my artistic endeavors are an attempt to understand what Buddhism holds for me in my life and how I can express personal feelings and experiences. I continually ask myself, “What does the Buddha mean to me?”, “Why do I keep coming back to these philosophies?” and “How do I apply this to my life?” In the Buddha’s teachings, he openly encourages individuals to challenge him in order to find their own path. I create my work around this central theme as a way to explore Buddhism as well as challenge my own beliefs. 

On the surface, my work expresses my interest in the visual cultures of the East mixed with Western street art and pop culture themes. The deeper I go, the teachings of the Dharma are filtered through my mind and reinterpreted in the forms and characters I create. Using cute characters and street art elements also act as a way to lighten the heavy subject matter I present and avoid cultural appropriation. By using traditional and contemporary techniques and philosophies, I can create unexpected combinations of the old and new mixed with the East and West. 

In my work I encourage individuals to find their own spiritual joy, while simultaneously acknowledging the doubts I might have about my own. Creating art with religious influence comes with the risk of misunderstanding and the potential inability for viewers to detach from religious imagery. But, I want my work to welcome the viewer, to make them feel joyous when engaging in spiritual contemplation. I strive to make my work a symbol of the teachings of the Buddha -- to always question, to never be comfortable with an answer someone else gives and to encourage others to find their own unique path.