The Lawrence Lithography Workshop: 40 Years in Prints
opening reception: First Friday, September 6 from 6-9Pm
september 6, 2019 - november 30, 2019
at Belger Crane Yard Studios
2011 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64108
Michael Sims established The Lawrence Lithography Workshop in 1979, in Lawrence Kansas, as a contract printing and teaching facility for local and regional artists. It has provided a place where artists with little or no print making experience could collaborate with a master printer to produce original, hand-pulled lithographs. Over time the workshop evolved to an increased emphasis on printing and publishing the work of national and regional artists. Now located in Kansas City, Missouri, TLLW is one of the few privately-owned fine art publishing presses in the midwest today.
Sims received his B.S. in Art from Western Michigan University in 1968 and, in 1971, his MFA in Printmaking from Ohio University. In 1971, he began teaching lithography and drawing at the University of Kansas. He has also held adjunct teaching positions at WMU, El Centro de Ensenanza Graficas (Center for the study of Graphic Arts) in Caracas, Venezuela, and Western New Mexico University.
To date, The Lawrence Lithography Workshop has collaborated with over 100 artists from across the United States to produce several hundred prints and portfolios. A partial artist list includes: Ron Adams, Anthony Baab, Nick Bubash, Paul Brach, Susan Davidoff, Archie Scott Gobber, Julie Green, Robert Green, Edward Henderson, Peregrine Honig, Tom Huck, Benito Huerta, Gesine Janzen, Luis Jiménez, Elizabeth “Grandma” Layton, Mike Lyon, Alden Mason, Marcie Miller Gross, John Newman, Ed Paschke, Zigmunds Priede, Warren Rosser, Miriam Schapiro, Roger Shimomura, Jaune Quick-To-See Smith, Robert Stackhouse, Robert Sudlow, Akio Takamori, Theodore Waddell, Patti Warashina ,William Wiley, and Andrzej Zielinski.